Labels for QuickBooks®
Print labels for your entire QuickBooks inventory on the fly!
* The Basic program allows you to print all your product labels from an exported excel spreadsheet of your Item List.
* The Advance program does not require you to export to a spreadsheet. It is connected directly to QuickBooks.
Did you ever want to print labels for the products in your items list and couldn't ? Rest assure you are not the only one. This program was created almost 8 years ago when a small Diamond Jeweler wanted to print "rat-tail" labels for his rings but couldn't. (Rat-tail labels are the small tags that are used to wrap around the band of a ring or another piece of jewelry.) He came to us, asking for our help. He explained how many hours it takes his wife to sit at the computer and to retype the jewels information. When we asked around we found out that it was almost impossible to produce product labels from QuickBooks.
Labels for QuickBooks was created and designed for anyone needing to produce labels from QuickBooks. Print product labels with barcode directly from invoices, purchase orders or item lists.
Add-On Modules
- Full featured label design program
- Print Labels Directly from Invoices
- Print Labels Directly from Purchase Orders
- Customized Reports
- Customizable - The system can be customized to your specific needs
QuickBooks is a Registered Trade Mark of Intuit Corporation.